FREE eBook

Practitioner's Guide
to Speed Testing.

A comprehensive guide to understanding, assessing
and improving the many dimensions of speed.

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Speed: simple to grasp, 
difficult to master.

Speed testing technology has been used by practitioners for decades. In that time, though, technology has evolved significantly. While speed technology could be considered relatively commonplace, not all technology is created equal.

This guide explores the history and current best practices for speed testing, the tools at modern practitioners’ disposal and how to use them to successfully assess and improve speed in its many forms.

In this guide, we'll answer...

  • Q: What's wrong with my stopwatch?
  • Q: What are the different types of speed testing technology?
  • Q: How do I test all the different dimensions of speed?
  • Q: How do I interpret my speed testing results?
  • Q: What are the different applications for speed testing?

... and much, much more.

Les Spellman
"We use timing gates with our youth, college and professional athletes. The automatic integration with our existing data hub saves us time with accurate data management. Importantly, we’re able to test large groups of athletes frequently and effectively."
Derek Hansen
"The value of technology has been proven over numerous trials and helped me validate my philosophy around speed development and return-to-play progressions. "
Rob Pacey
"There is no topic in our industry right now bigger than speed training and testing.  One consistent message that the best coaches in the world are communicating is the value of robust, reliable and user-friendly technology to test their athletes."
Alex Natera

"In so many land-based sports, speed, in all of its manifestations, is often the holy grail in terms of the transfer of training many practitioners seek. The ability to quantify speed is, therefore, critical in running-based sports."

Jo Clubb

"Game-defining moments frequently hinge upon an athlete's speed, determining their ability to outpace an opponent to the ball or reach a critical position. Although sprinting demands on the pitch are often chaotic, assessing an athlete's speed in a controlled environment is crucial for understanding their capacity and mechanics."

Practitioner's Guide to Speed Testing

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